2. Topic:Terms for the New Commissioner and other SCBL posts. -- PS -- passed
Implement a Commissioner rotation system so that one person is not required to be Commissioner for an extended period.
This will give other managers an opportunity to take a turn as Commissioner and contribute new approaches and ideas within the SCBL rules. -- PS
Since Mike Montijo and Mike Davis are both interested in taking a turn as Commissioner and Dan Velderrain is content to continue as Assistant Commissioner, proceed as follows;
Have Mike Montijo become the new SCBL Commissioner for a 2-3 year period (minimum 2, maximum 3 years, his choice),
and Mike Davis will be the next SCBL Commissioner for a 2-3 year period (minimum 2, maximum 3 years, his choice). Re-evaluate results after Mike Davis' term.
3. League Officer voting -- League --
General Proposals
A. Draft Day, Saturday Feb 1st, 10:am @ tggers hb home field
1. League play scedule options:
A. 5-5-4 division; play own division opp. 2x, then either 6 or 8 series from the 9 or 10 remaining teams. -- failed
pro: 14 series, no bye's con: do not play every team each season.
B. 7-7 division; play own division each 1 seies x 7games (42 g). play other division each 1 series x 6 games (42 g). -- failed
pro: only 13 series for each team, con: disproportional series play
It's only 1 extra game for 6 of the series. League schedule remains at 84 games.
You still play every team. Tiebreakers within own division are easier. (4-3)
C. 5-5-4 division; play every one once, then for series #14, (by record), in each divison teams #1vs #2, #3 vs #4, and the 2 #5's play. -- passed
pro: play every one 13 series con: playoff style 14th series, (play 1 team a 2nd time).
2. Combine EDP and Penalty points to one penalty system -- tggers . -- failed
One fine point for each day late submitting roster and year end
b. One fine point per day for failure to report an agreed upon trade within 7 days.
c. two fine points for each player usage violation, or for each bad sportsmanship display.
d. Two fine points for failure to contact your opponent who you are scheduled to visit, by the 10th of the month.
e. Two fine points for stats emailed on the 2nd of the month after stats are due.
f. One point per day after the 25th of that Monthly that stats are emailed.
g. Each fine point accumulated will cost the manager .
Fine point season total Penalty
3-4 points 7th round pick moved 10 picks later
5-6 points 5th round pick moved 10 picks later
7-8 points 3th round pick moved 10 picks later
9-10 points 5th and 7th round picks moved 10 picks later
11-12 points 3rd and 7th round picks moved 10 picks later
13-14 points 3rd and 5th round picks moved 10 picks later
15-17 points Loss of 6th round pick and League probation
18 or more points Loss of 3nd and 6th round picks and by League vote,
League probation or termination.
3. Dues for the league year; $30 dollars. Everyone should bring a check or cash to the rules meeting.(2026) -- Bombers
4. Stop voting for end of the year awards, except for manager of the year. I don't care about it. -- Bombers -- sorta
Board Change Proposals
1. Play Result PRN#22 - PS -- passed
22s are too powerful and act as an extra 7 on the batter's card with basses empty, regardless of the Pitcher's grade.
Change Play Result 22 with Bases Empty to the following:
If Team Fielding is 41 or higher (Fielding 1) and Pitcher Defensive rating is 2: Out at First, 1-3, and Pitcher Defensive Rating is 1: First on E-1
If Team Fielding is 2 or 3 and Pitcher Defensive 2: Single up the middle, Def 1, E-1
2. With runner on 2nd base, eliminate the V on PRN# 1, Result; G only, turns a 1(homerun) to a 6(double). -- Trucks -- passed
Proposal to Increase Intra-Division Games in SCBL